Elona Wiki
This page contains NPCs exclusive to the Elona+ mod of Elona.
For NPCs included both in vanilla Elona and in Elona+, see Bestiary.

Please note: as of Elona+ version 2.07, there are additional named resistance tiers along with adjustments to the tiers themselves. All pages up to number 1048 were made before this change. When reading them, check the old resistance values against the new resistance values.

List of NPCs[]

# Name Lvl Race Class

Extra damage type

207 <Ssil> the undead witch 99 Lich Warmage Undead Replaces <Ebon> the fire giant (#2) from normal Elona
212 Putit tank 12 Behicle Gunner Replaces <Stersha> the queen of Palmia (#2) from normal Elona
340 Zilla 60 Dinosaur Predator Replaces _test from normal Elona
354 goose 8 Servant Claymore
355 <Insane Kumiromi> 1200 God Farmer God
356 <Devastate Luluwy> 1200 God Archer God
357 <Buildup Opatos> 1200 God Warrior God
358 <Deus ex manina> 1200 God Gunner God
359 <Jure> 350 God Priest God Wishing
360 <Blessed Jure> 1200 God Priest God
361 older sister 1 Roran Archer
362 Rudras 200 God Predator God
363 older dog sister 1 Catsister Archer
364 older sister 60 Roran Archer
365 <H sister> 100 Roran Warrior
366 <Heinrich> the iron carnel 114 Yerles Predator
367 <Zernard> the capable mercenary 87 Norland Warrior
368 <Ebarth> the pirate boss 110 Juere Thief
369 <Dog cop> 12 Dog Gunner
370 <Milis> the soldier 70 Yerles Gunner
371 <Orville> the soldier 55 Yerles Gunner
372 military putit 6 Slime Gunner
373 Lonely <Kyle> 10 Juere Thief
374 <Mefan> the bard 36 Eulderna Pianist
375 juere berserker 60 Juere Warrior
376 eulderna summonknight 60 Eulderna Warmage
377 <Ulzassil> the dead emperor 200 Undeadgod Wizard God
378 <Yerleswood> the savage machine 200 Machinegod Warrior
379 <Siva> the destruction 200 Doggod Predator God
380 <Orphe> the chaos follower 100 Servant Warrior
381 <Caim> the mad rich 20 Juere Tourist
382 <Snail> thr android rider 350 Behicle Gunner
383 <Reconciled cleaner> 200 Norland Predator
384 <Lityou> 130 Beast Predator God
385 <Murder Knight> 60 Armor Claymore
386 giraffe 40 Horse Warrior
387 kirin 150 Beast Warrior God
388 bamboo sprout 60 Ent Warrior unique town NPC
389 the king in yellow 160 Yith Archer God
390 nyarlathotep 180 Yith Wizard
391 tsathoggua 140 Yith Predator God
392 bounty hunter 70 Juere Thief
393 grand dragon 70 Dragon Predator Dragon
394 atlach-nacha 99 Spider Predator God
395 tyrannobreaker 95 Dinosaur Warrior Dragon
396 vopal bunny 65 Rabbit Farmer
397 vol phantom 90 Ghost Wizard Undead
398 cupid of death 80 Cupid Archer God
399 black baptist 50 Ghost Wizard
400 camouflaged imp 72 Imp Wizard
401 viashivan 65 Drake Predator Dragon
402 ouroboros 120 Snake Wizard
403 grand ent 75 Ent Predator
404 kabuto 65 Beetle Warmage
405 moloch 120 Minotaur Warrior God
406 atlas 160 God Warrior God
407 maidsann 10 Norland Tourist
408 <Lune> the maid chief 25 Roran Tourist
409 electric sheep 40 Sheep Wizard
410 Metamorphose 102 Slime Wizard
411 security system 60 Machine Gunner
412 carnage rat 70 Rat Warrior
413 Bankrupt <Guo> 30 Juere Tourist
414 <Lend> the taker 10 Juere Gunner
415 Quantum creature 7 Yerles Predator
416 dragon zombie 65 Zombie Wizard Undead
417 <Anubis> the master of death 80 Dog Warrior God(?)
418 <Metal Vesda> the fire machine 70 Machinegod Gunner
419 <Exossil> the chaos wing 60 Undeadgod Wizard God
420 Yerles conbat plane 50 Behicle Predator
421 wing snail 10 Snail Gunner
422 heqet 80 Frog Archer
423 dark kobold 55 Kobolt Warrior
424 titania 60 Fairy Wizard
425 dragonewt 86 Lizardman Warrior Dragon
426 man-eater crab 35 Shell Predator
427 olog 60 Troll Warrior
428 giga bomb rock 105 Rock Predator
429 dragon's pet harpy 60 Harpy Predator
430 gold sheep 95 Sheep Wizard
431 cockatrice 50 Bird Wizard
432 suzaku 130 Beast Predator God
433 leucochloridium 45 Snail Tourist
434 five head god 170 God Predator God
435 Meshera plant 120 Bacteria Wizard
436 H sister 1 Roran Thief Insane book
437 <Miros> hail flom Erusia 30 (Elsia) Archer
438 <Karura> hail flom Erusia 30 (Elsia) Warmage
439 gokiburi 1 Beetle Predator
440 citizen 10 Juere Thief
441 citizen 10 Juere Thief
442 Pirate_(Elona+) 72 Juere Thief
443 fisherman 20 Norland Warrior
444 mimic 30 Metal -
445 rich person <Stoke> 25 Norland Pianist
446 Big sister 60 Mutant Thief
447 cat 4 Zombie Predator Undead Schrodinger's cat
448 curased coffin 68 Zombie Predator Undead
449 <Arma> the tour guide 150 Yerles Predator
450 fire@dragon child 2 Dragon Predator Dragon
451 red mushroom 60 Mushroom Predator
452 meshera beta 80 Bacteria Predator
453 meshera gamma 95 Bacteria Wizard
454 meshera delta 110 Bacteria Warmage
455 vampire 75 Mazin Warrior Undead
456 carmilla 35 Mazin Wizard Undead
457 chupacabura 55 Bear Predator
458 <Meshera alpha> the deformed angel 130 Bacteria Predator Renamed from <Meshera α> the deformed angel
459 doctor <Gavela> 15 Yerles Gunner
460 bell of termination 104 Metal Predator
461 war spirit 2 Spirit Predator
462 magic spirit 2 Spirit Wizard
463 pudding spirit 2 Spirit Thief
464 candle wisp 95 Wisp - Undead
465 infected yerles soldier 91 Yerles Gunner
466 ganmbler 5 Juere Tourist
467 Yerles latest outfit soldier 60 Yerles Gunner
468 swimmer 4 Eulderna Warrior
469 blade king 70 Machine Predator
470 ninja 75 Norland Thief
471 staff 40 Juere Thief
472 refugee 10 Elea Tourist
473 traveler 20 Karune Tourist
474 <Kuron> the white cloth 5 Catsister Archer
475 <Siraha> the black cloth 5 Catsister Archer
476 Alchemist <Naplus> 30 Eulderna Wizard
477 <Getuei>the ninja master 120 Norland Thief
478 <Eila>the fugitive Kunoichi 45 Norland Thief
479 red ninja 97 Norland Thief
480 shoebill 63 Bird Predator
481 <Hyper Yacatect> 1200 God Predator God
482 Yacatect 350 God Predator God Wishing
483 <The Element> 1200 God Wizard God
484 <Itzpalt> 350 God Wizard God Wishing
485 white young lady 1 Roran Pianist Insane book
486 abyss dweller 30 Yith -
487 gun spirit 2 Spirit Gunner
488 skeleton hero 84 Skeleton Warrior Undead
489 abyss animal 30 Yith -
490 <Abyss Princess> 90 Yith -
491 <Leiki> 130 Beast Predator God
492 <Pascal> 65 Dog Predator
493 lazy older sister 1 Roran Gunner Insane book
494 M girl 1 Roran Warmage Insane book
495 new citizen 45 Norland Thief
496 flying leech 20 Worm -
497 silent leech 60 Worm Warrior
498 <Grief Shield> 130 Armor Predator
499 <Gwen> the pitiless 100 Roran Warmage
500 wrang-wrang 10 Eulderna Priest
501 Xeren electric tank 80 Behicle Wizard
502 Xeren satelite unit 70 Metal Gunner
503 chaos spirit 80 Spirit Warrior
504 <Chaos Unicorn> 110 Beast Warrior God
505 valiant wyvern 40 Drake Predator Dragon
506 Orion killer 60 Spider Predator
507 black hornet 50 Wasp Predator
508 <Mobile Communication Equipment> 100 Machine Gunner
509 demon 60 Imp Warmage
510 demon's lord 100 Imp Warmage
511 demon's ruler 150 Imp Warmage
512 element dragon 145 God Warmage Dragon
513 old humankind 2 Elea Tourist Adults
514 old humankind 1 Elea Tourist Children
515 old humankind 1 Elea Tourist Elderly
516 <Ether Generator> 120 Rock Wizard Friendly boss
517 <Estork> the doggod 130 Doggod Warmage God
518 part time worker 35 Karune Pianist Rain Festival
519 <Nazuna> the instructer 30 Norland Claymore
520 giant eater flower 98 Mandrake Predator
521 sei-ryu 130 Beast Warmage God
522 child <Wel> 5 Norland Pianist
523 murder cockroach 40 Beetle Predator
524 King Cockroach 80 Beetle Predator
525 pro-jet 15 Metal Warrior
526 black gauntlet <Leold> 100 Mazin Predator
527 strike eagle 28 Bird Predator
528 power eagle 82 Bird Warmage
529 shadow 118 Ghost Warrior Undead
530 <Grandmaster> 108 Piece Warmage
531 dragon centipede 93 Worm Predator
532 stag god 150 God Warmage
533 Yerles cyborg soldier 112 Yerles Warrior
534 <Aile> the attendant 250 Mazin Predator
535 gryffon child 7 Beast Predator
536 black gryffon 48 Beast Predator
537 mirage gryphon 73 Beast Wizard
538 fox brother 1 Catsister Wizard
539 cluster bomb rock 58 Rock Predator
540 vishnu 94 Asura Warrior God
541 omega herakles 92 Beetle Gunner
542 arktouros 85 Bear Warmage
543 jaguar warrior 110 Cat Warrior
544 behemoth 83 Drake Predator
545 holdgazer 81 Eye Wizard
546 blood golem 77 Golem Predator
547 bird archer 74 Harpy Archer
548 garuda 125 Harpy Archer God
549 ancient lich 88 Lich Wizard Undead
550 diabolic clown 70 Mazin Thief
551 ulfheoinn 75 Kobolt Predator
552 ultimate golem 115 Golem Predator
553 gravity cannon 135 Machine Gunner
554 high-magician 96 Eulderna Wizard
555 nemain 152 Bird Thief
556 hel 138 Lich Warmage Undead
557 osiris 165 Zombie Priest Undead
558 camazotz 148 Bat Predator God
559 quick redcap 133 Quickling Warrior
560 sugaar 168 Snake Warmage God
561 eye of balor 142 Eye Wizard
562 kali 175 Asura Warrior God
563 ungoliant 128 Spider Predator
564 <Super-Grandmaster> 155 Piece Warmage
565 mucencab 158 Wasp Warmage God
566 super-dragonewt 173 Lizardman Predator
567 shoggoth 162 Slime Priest
568 chaos mimic 53 Metal Predator
569 galactica phantom 146 Ghost Predator Undead
570 sheepdog 3 Dog Priest
571 padangu 100 Dog Predator
572 arkhai 60 Cupid Archer God
573 dominion 100 Cupid Archer God
574 seraph 150 Cupid Archer God
575 <Ratin> the fighter reporter 38 Norland Warrior
576 <Naga> the thief reporter 38 Juere Thief
577 <Lenas> the guild reporter 38 Norland Wizard
578 necro doll 40 Eulderna Warmage Undead
579 dead-eyes blood dragon 107 Skeleton Predator Dragon
580 curse drake 102 Drake Priest Dragon
581 moai 39 Rock Gunner
582 blue moai 89 Rock Gunner
583 hypomyces 79 Mushroom Wizard
584 demon's soul 64 Wisp Wizard Undead
585 ambystoma 34 Frog Predator
586 ek chuah 161 Spider Archer God(?)
587 mishaguzi 101 Snake Archer
588 sage of Elea 103 Elea Priest
589 knight of Elea 43 Elea Claymore
590 mega mole 109 Rat Predator
591 talpidae 134 Rat Predator God
592 Ragnarock 172 Rock Predator
593 bell of emergency 62 Metal Predator
594 badger 46 Dog Wizard
595 rat (mistranslation) 10 Rat Tourist Resembles a Capybara.
596 indigo lobster 61 Shell Predator
597 thousand hedgehog 41 Rat Wizard
598 hell needle hedgehog 159 Rat Predator
599 berserk dragon 143 Dragon Predator Dragon
600 mist dragon 123 Dragon Gunner Dragon
601 Yerleswood type M 163 Machine Warrior
602 bomb thrower 32 Zanan Predator
603 yerles mortar 85 Machine Predator
604 mra 174 Imp Predator
605 <Norne> the guide 153 Fairy Wizard God
606 <Melugast type0> the dimension driver 150 Machinegod Gunner
607 flash wyvern 137 Drake Gunner Dragon
608 spaghetti monster 129 Yith Thief
609 tree sparrow 40 Bird Predator
610 delphyne 66 Medusa Predator
611 telchines 151 Medusa Wizard
612 <Spipha> the dragon hunter 147 Lizardman Archer
613 hell crab 71 Shell Wizard Undead
614 juere demon soldier 116 Juere Claymore
615 gi-ant 28 Wasp Predator
616 samurai-ant 84 Wasp Claymore
617 Queen gi-ant 106 Wasp Predator
618 kesalanpatharan 47 Wisp Wizard
619 black angel hair 124 Wisp Wizard
620 shopkeeper crow 35 Bird Archer
621 <Alice> the big ant 92 Wasp Warmage
622 <Mary> the insect master 141 Elea Predator
623 scholar 8 Eulderna Priest
624 <Sophia> 250 God Wizard God
625 truffe chocolate wisp 5 Wisp Wizard
626 teacher 67 Norland Claymore
627 <chestnut giant> 111 Giant Warrior
628 <Raizel> the old wizard 164 Eulderna Wizard
629 <Nein> the flying witch 76 Eulderna Wizard
630 dark koala 113 Bear Predator
631 child boar 2 Largeanimal Predator
632 big boar 54 Orc Predator
633 destroy boar 117 Orc Predator
634 sand worm 49 Worm Predator
635 rock worm 136 Worm Gunner
636 hell fire flower 139 Mandrake Wizard
637 <Amurdad> 250 God Farmer God
638 lava golem 157 Golem Predator
639 <Arasiel> 250 God Archer God Has the <Rainbow>
640 <Sinaha> 250 God Predator God Has the <Gur Bagh Nakh>
641 <Jin> the machine rebel 51 Machine Gunner
642 hamster 8 Rat Warrior
643 shooting hamster 56 Rat Archer
644 death hamster 149 Rat Warmage
645 kiwi 6 Bird Predator
646 gold kiwi 119 Bird Warmage
647 citizen 20 Dwarf Warrior
648 hill child 10 Dwarf Tourist
649 shopkeeper 35 Dwarf Merchant Renamed class
650 <Dain> the elder of hill 40 Dwarf Tourist
651 <Thalia> the star viewer 30 Dwarf Warrior
652 <Irma> the indomitable smith 60 Dwarf Warrior
653 citizen 25 Dwarf Priest
654 <Marka> the silver bear 165 Roran Predator
655 chaos hunter 154 Spirit Archer
656 chaos paladin 156 Spirit Warrior
657 chaos shaman 158 Spirit Wizard
658 yellow fire dragon 160 Dragon Predator Dragon
659 <Vansesda> the ancient fire 180 Dragon Predator Dragon
660 escapegoat 59 Sheep Gunner
661 hand of the god 166 Hand Predator God
662 phantom of end 167 Ghost Warmage Undead
663 <Aikage> the sinobi mask 155 Mazin Warmage has the <Otogiri>
664 <Yerleswood Neo> 230 Machinegod Warrior has the <Housenka>
665 <Rovid> 250 God Priest God has the <Trishula>
666 werewolf 35 Dog Warrior
667 command wolf 121 Dog Gunner
668 <Garziem> 250 God Gunner God has the <N97 Cannon>
669 worker-02 65 Machine Gunner
670 worker-01 40 Machine Predator
671 R cleaner 3 Behicle Predator
672 <Nine Head Dragon> the abyss 160 Yith Warmage
673 fox 38 Dog Warmage
674 sunbararian 5 Yith Wizard
675 <Karavika> 250 God Performer God Renamed pianist class
676 <Urcaguary> 250 God Warrior God
677 G cube 148 Machine Warrior
678 Black box 126 Machine Wizard
679 basatan 122 Shell Priest
680 cthugha 190 Yith Wizard God
681 yomagntho 190 Yith Wizard God(?)
682 small stone golem 5 Golem Predator
683 small wooden golem 5 Golem Predator
684 <Kuroya> the looking universe 131 Norland Warmage
685 <Fron> the tour planner 350 Catsister Predator
686 <Regulus> the altered 144 Zanan Warrior
687 <Neres> the amnesiac 169 Imp Warrior
688 <Ryutye> the amnesiac 2 Mazin Predator
689 Zanan heavily armed 95 Zanan Archer
690 <Boyciana> 20 Bird Predator
691 necro lancer 86 Zombie Warrior Undead
692 necro dancer 57 Zombie Dancer Undead
693 crying witch 127 Zombie Predator Undead
694 shining silver wolf 132 Dog Warrior
695 blaze lion 90 Cat Predator
696 detective 40 Zanan Gunner
697 werewolf detective 40 Dog Gunner
698 butterspy 25 Beetle Spy
699 moonlit papillon 171 Beetle Wizard
700 effect butterfly 2 Beetle -
701 sleeping giant 140 Giant Predator
702 tester 150 Bacteria Warmage
703 wangnin 100 Norland Geomancer
704 nightmare shark 60 Seamonster Warmage
705 raging shark 80 Seamonster Thief
706 captain shark 145 Seamonster Predator
707 jellyfish kraken 115 Seamonster Predator
708 steel minotaur 81 Minotaur Warrior
709 space horned owl 32 Harpy Wizard
710 <Lazasye> the destroy 160 Imp Warmage
711 <Melget> the informer 157 Juere Warrior Has the <Ivy Spine>
712 yo-suzume 100 Bird Predator
713 space zilla 156 Dinosaur Predator
714 steel armor spider 142 Spider Predator
715 gold armor ant 131 Wasp Predator
716 battle alien 127 Dinosaur Predator
717 smash ogre 50 Mazin Warrior
718 slash ogre 100 Mazin Thief
719 shine ogre 150 Mazin Priest
720 dhole 145 Worm Predator
721 cloud beast 78 Wisp Warmage
722 metal zilla 98 Machine Predator
723 halloween children 2 Eulderna Tourist
724 halloween children 2 Zanan Tourist
725 muscle golem 92 Golem Warrior
726 mad mud golem 133 Golem Predator
727 kikkas pythonidae 46 Snake Predator
728 meida 77 Snake Archer
729 oyaukamui 143 Snake Wizard
730 not stray sheep 25 Sheep Priest
731 astray sheep 131 Sheep Warmage
732 nightmare sheep 162 Sheep Wizard
733 ruby carbuncle 45 Cat Priest
734 manticore 72 Cat Warmage
735 glare tiger 151 Cat Predator
736 wenkamui 37 Bear Predator
737 <Conductor Koala> 139 Bear Priest Has the <Child Zeder>
738 dobiel 156 Bear Archer
739 magic archer 45 Eulderna Archer
740 palace magician 135 Eulderna Wizard
741 wandering penguin 12 Bird Warrior
742 last raven 137 Bird Gunner
743 <inqtual> the revenge 160 Imp Predator
744 legendary wolf 152 Dog Predator
745 zombie queen 153 Zombie Thief Undead
746 requiem 135 Zombie Gunner Undead
747 gothic 114 Zombie Warrior Undead
748 zombie girl 40 Zombie Warmage Undead
749 big sea hare 24 Snail Predator
750 magicargot 67 Snail Wizard
751 acid sea hare 86 Snail Predator
752 kamikaze maimai 111 Snail Priest
753 fortressnail 133 Snail Gunner
754 darknesslug 151 Snail Predator
755 <roatonis> the infections 160 Imp Wizard
756 <Shuraida> the expert merc 164 Karune Warrior Has the <Spadille>
757 mikscxifona 66 Lich Warmage Undead
758 profanity priest 111 Lich Priest Undead
759 grim reaper 162 Lich Farmer Undead
760 claymoai 67 Rock Claymore
761 mana monolith 136 Rock Wizard
762 moai core 158 Rock Predator
763 cloudragon 141 Wisp Archer
764 araonibi 162 Wisp Wizard Undead
765 spirit of bread 105 Spirit Predator
766 kentaurs 30 Horse Archer
767 gunntaurs 63 Horse Gunner
768 ballistallion 86 Horse Archer
769 kentaurs knight 103 Horse Warrior
770 dark horse 128 Horse Predator
771 mastallion 154 Horse Warmage
772 cattle 8 Minotaur
773 blue bull 55 Minotaur Predator
774 chihyu 100 Minotaur Archer
775 asterios 151 Minotaur Warrior
776 ham-tairou 28 Rat Wizard
777 disaster 88 Rat Farmer
778 kyuso 125 Rat Predator
779 momotuka 54 Bat Predator
780 com-bat 78 Bat Gunner
781 kapapu-kamui 99 Bat Archer
782 dark raider 122 Bat Warmage
783 turtle rabbit 25 Rabbit Predator
784 terrorism squirrel 48 Rabbit Thief
785 bunny ghoul 90 Rabbit Predator Undead
786 hakutoshin 118 Rabbit Wizard
787 iris 134 Rabbit Priest
788 dread rabbit 156 Rabbit Predator
789 <Egelveil> the bind 180 Imp Predator
790 <Vessel> the white hawk 128 Zanan Warrior
791 Melugast typeM 132 Behicle Gunner
792 sylph 130 Spirit Archer
793 <13th step ghost> 66 Ghost Wizard Undead
794 legion mage 78 Ghost Warmage Undead
795 arch wraith 133 Ghost Wizard Undead
796 <Aribel> the white arms 159 Norland Predator
797 poison arrow frog 18 Frog Archer
798 musical notadpole 55 Frog Wizard
799 nuou 108 Frog Predator
800 salamander 129 Frog Gunner
801 seiashin 153 Frog Warrior
802 apprentice angel 28 Cupid Pianist
803 cupid inspector 122 Cupid Priest
804 fallen angel 139 Cupid Wizard
805 <Renai> the over meshera 162 Bacteria Priest
806 pixie 42 Fairy Warmage
807 gigantic fairy 88 Fairy Archer
808 peri 110 Fairy Priest
809 yousei gorath 135 Fairy Predator
810 fairy the shining 168 Fairy Wizard
811 lizard mage 22 Lizardman Warmage
812 black lizardman 45 Lizardman Warrior
813 assassin lizard 68 Lizardman Thief
814 claymore dragonewt 110 Lizardman Claymore
815 blizzard lizard 134 Lizardman Wizard
816 draco eques 160 Lizardman Warrior
817 <Belphat> the cosmic sword 170 Yith Warrior
818 mayu sibayu 45 Harpy Priest
819 black wing 101 Harpy Predator
820 alkonost 141 Harpy Wizard
821 dhwty 168 Harpy Warrior
822 <Maile> the marionette shaman 50 Servant Priest
823 mad scratcher 20 Zanan Predator
824 devotee of oblivion 15 Elea Priest
825 memory empty man 15 Karune
826 zap mandrake 43 Mandrake Priest
827 cucumber horse 63 Mandrake Gunner
828 cucumber warrior 80 Mandrake Warrior
829 nin-ninzin 119 Mandrake Ninja
830 vampkin 153 Mandrake Wizard Undead
831 demon's commander 44 Imp Thief
832 performaid bloodress 85 Imp Predator
833 performaid desweeper 112 Imp Warmage
834 performaid cocruel 125 Imp Claymore
835 performaid pinchief 138 Imp Priest
836 performaid bitchiack 162 Imp Wizard
837 tentacle worm 35 Worm Predator
838 grand leech 79 Worm Archer
839 bind devil worm 118 Worm Warrior
840 sepa 159 Worm Warmage
841 <Saimef> the doggod 150 Doggod Priest
842 <Fashionable Kunoichi> 165 Norland Warmage
843 gunfish 15 Seamonster Gunner
844 flight fish 40 Seamonster Thief
845 abysstar 70 Seamonster Wizard
846 flower coral 90 Seamonster Warrior
847 manta rayarn 100 Seamonster Priest
848 orcinus orca 128 Seamonster Predator
849 nine dart garfish 139 Seamonster Predator
850 sea fallen angel 158 Seamonster Warrior
851 snipe hermit 54 Shell Gunner
852 aroma-locaris 90 Shell Predator
853 king woodlouse 107 Shell Wizard
854 death maneki 140 Shell Warrior
855 <Shell King of Vindale> 150 Shell Warmage
856 dark dome 161 Shell Predator
857 <Manytia> the adventure merchant 152 Dwarf Gunner
858 dark elea 78 Elea Wizard
859 lothrian agent 122 Elea Archer
860 <Lankata> the lightning of blue 168 Elea Archer
861 killer nurse 61 Zanan Gunner
862 zanan old soldier 113 Zanan Warrior
863 zanan enhanced soldier 152 Zanan Claymore
864 grass dancer 49 Quickling Dancer
865 grass killer 81 Quickling Predator
866 stormbling 106 Quickling Wizard
867 hellstling 150 Quickling Assassin
868 <Rianna> the daydreamer 18 Norland Handyman
869 yeek hard worker 30 Yeek -
870 archayeek 56 Yeek Warrior
871 archayeek gunner 78 Yeek Gunner
872 master archayeek 106 Yeek Wizard
873 lunatyeek 131 Yeek Priest
874 heroyeek 155 Yeek Warmage
875 <unitdead-joker> 175 Undeadgod Wizard
876 <unitdead-jack> 175 Undeadgod Warrior
877 <unitdead-queen> 175 Undeadgod Archer
878 <unitdead-king> 175 Undeadgod Predator
879 <Halion> the extremist 20 Elea Priest
880 large bike 16 Behicle Predator
881 Xeren auto tank 35 Behicle Gunner
882 ride cleric 66 Behicle Priest
883 buildion 106 Behicle Warmage
884 zoibo 121 Behicle Warrior
885 konigs katze 151 Behicle Gunner
886 <Alfred> the cangnan wind 174 Elea Warmage
887 skogsra 29 Ent Archer
888 banyan monster 44 Ent Predator
889 erlkonig 96 Ent Wizard
890 tree incarnation 114 Ent Priest
891 dragon tree 131 Ent Predator
892 curse wood king 153 Ent Predator
893 <Zisilion> the mine king 45 Karune Pianist
894 chaos seed 30 Spirit Predator
895 chaos serpent 190 Spirit Warmage
896 <Ajetalio> the seminar lecturer 65 Yerles Predator
897 <Cresce> the seminar lecturer 65 Zanan Gunner
898 <Iduru> the seminar lecturer 65 Norland Warrior
899 <Mito> the seminar lecturer 65 Juere Thief
900 <Part time worker> the red sword 55 Karune Claymore
901 novice 6 Norland Warmage
902 <Karata> the seminar mascot 45 Metal Predator
903 caterpillar sniper 16 Beetle Gunner
904 nursing moth 50 Beetle Priest
905 magic hawk moth 105 Beetle Wizard
906 battle hopper 115 Beetle Predator
907 assault red dragonfly 136 Beetle Predator
908 black hopper X 157 Beetle Claymore
909 talon soldier 8 Servant Predator
910 fin crocodile 8 Servant Priest
911 <Tezcatlipoca> 200 God Predator God has the <Yohualli Tezcatl>
912 killing anteater 41 Largeanimal Predator
913 electric hippopotamus 70 Largeanimal Gunner
914 knightceros 92 Largeanimal Warrior
915 ganesa 134 Largeanimal Priest
916 sin gorilla 155 Largeanimal Archer
917 roper 39 Slime Warrior
918 living blood 58 Slime Predator
919 formless spawn 81 Slime Priest
920 dragon bubble 131 Slime Wizard
921 silver fox brother 1 Catsister Wizard
922 sickfull older brother 1 Roran Priest
923 <Enthumesis> 350 God Wizard Has the <God Binder>
924 zanan assassin 25 Zanan Assassin
925 <Alsapia> the murderer mask 35 Roran Assassin
926 <Gilphem> the magic steel 50 Armor Warrior
927 ochimusha armor 79 Armor Claymore
928 musha soul 115 Armor Claymore
929 crimson armor 150 Armor Warmage
930 skeleton magician 40 Skeleton Wizard
931 money deceased 68 Skeleton Warrior
932 skull beast 132 Skeleton Predator
933 gasyadokuro 157 Skeleton Predator
934 <The Chaos Child> 350 God Predator
935 <Nagarew> the oblivion beast 220 Servant Predator
936 <Melugast AO-I> the dimension driver 210 Machinegod Gunner
937 angry burger 60 Spirit Warrior Summoned with burger recipe.
938 <Sunrise> the archipelago dragon 170 Dragon Warrior Recruitable after defeated.
939 <Dorothia> standing in the wetland 85 Golem Warmage Has the <Magic Restraint>.
940 <Graveed> the gravity valley 105 Dinosaur Warrior Has the <Gravitail>.
941 <Beilgena> the artificial dragon 125 Dragon Wizard Has the <Rasen>.
942 Triceratops 10 Dinosaur Farmer
943 Brontosaurus 78 Dinosaur Wizard
944 Driceradops 140 Dinosaur Gunner
945 last dancer 99 Cupid Gunner
946 <Loyter> the crimson of Dole 50 Dole Warrior
947 <Burt> the burning adventurer soul 45 Norland Predator
948 <Allen> the researcher 40 Norland Archer
949 barten 20 Norland Gunner
950 shopkeeper 25 Norland Gunner
951 guild broker 35 Norland Warrior
952 former bank clerk 10 Norland
953 <Bysymlha> the amber eyes 66 Imp Archer
954 lion 60 Cat Predator distinct from lion
955 wolf 55 Dog Predator
956 boar 49 Largeanimal Predator
957 rat 20 Rat Thief distinct from rat
958 fox 28 Dog Farmer distinct from fox
959 rabbit 27 Rabbit Warrior distinct from rabbit
960 vestiges 1 Ghost
961 oblivion beast 188 Servant Predator
962 little boy 6 Karune Predator
963 S boy 1 Karune Priest
964 butler 1 Mazin Gunner
965 old butler 1 Mazin Gunner
966 inconeet 15 Bird
967 arrow duck 44 Bird Archer
968 yokoshima enaga 71 Bird Wizard
969 forest assassin 128 Bird Thief
970 fallen bird 142 Bird Predator
971 peace maker 163 Bird Gunner
972 bisque doll 5 Golem Warmage
973 universe invader 70 Bacteria Gunner
974 kobolina 15 Kobolt Priest
975 kobold blue 27 Kobolt Predator
976 kobold saber 90 Kobolt Gunner
977 lightning kobold 101 Kobolt Warmage
978 duke kobold 122 Kobolt Warrior
979 kobold blaster 153 Kobolt Gunner
980 <Carter> the skilled foot 45 Norland Predator
981 <Nancy> the wanderlust 30 Dole Archer
982 <Toni> the angler 25 Norland Tourist
983 porc 2 Orc
984 brand porc 50 Orc Farmer
985 brack orc 78 Orc Archer
986 urc 92 Orc Predator
987 brack porc 118 Orc Farmer
988 hi urc 135 Orc Warmage
989 highness urc 152 Orc Warmage
990 <Manson> the careful adventurer 40 Dole Archer
991 <Cray> the curious adventurer 45 Dole Warrior
992 <Mary> the flower picking 15 Norland Farmer
993 <Jenna> the mythical mania 25 Norland Thief
994 oblivion rude beast 200 Servant Predator
995 <Strange old person> 180 Spirit Wizard
996 desktop navy 82 Metal Archer
997 desktop birdie 90 Metal Gunner
998 orichal-co 124 Metal Warmage
999 old bell 153 Metal Priest
1000 silver skull majesty 174 Metal Wizard
1001 <Bonyac> the general vendor 30 Norland Gunner
1002 rushroom 38 Mushroom Predator
1003 fang fungus 75 Mushroom Predator
1004 splashroom 95 Mushroom Wizard
1005 hot mushroom teacher 118 Mushroom Gunner
1006 liar poison fungus 142 Mushroom Farmer
1007 matangoddess 165 Mushroom Priest God
1008 cthulhick 2 Yith Priest
1009 andhaka 55 Asura Warmage God
1010 ravana 73 Asura Thief God
1011 vayu 108 Asura Priest God
1012 surya 126 Asura Wizard God
1013 indra 157 Asura Archer God
1014 <Mikraanesis> 280 God Warmage God Has the <Kalpa Hand>
1015 <Orphe> the chaos disciple 350 Servant Warrior God Wields the <Ravenbrand>
1016 <Orphe> the prince of lost kingdom 155 Servant Warrior
1017 <Jaldabaoth> The Chaos Child 1200 God Warmage God
1018 <Yayauhqui Tezcatlipoca> 1200 God Predator God
1019 monoeye girl 48 Eye Archer
1020 providence gaze 63 Eye Gunner
1021 hundred eyes 100 Eye Predator
1022 horus eye 123 Eye Priest God
1023 seeing god eye 160 Eye Wizard God
1024 <Aime> the story teller 15 Spirit Priest
1025 pale inviter 42 Hand Wizard Undead
1026 ooteguchi 71 Hand Pianist Undead
1027 catgod hand 101 Hand Thief
1028 curse grappler 124 Hand Predator Undead
1029 janken king 143 Hand Predator
1030 rats bringer 74 Drake Archer Dragon
1031 wild wyrm 117 Drake Predator Dragon
1032 pteraiun 154 Drake Warmage Dragon
1033 powerful great wyrm 177 Drake Predator Dragon
1034 stray soul 2 Ghost
1035 clinghost 155 Ghost Predator
1036 death fog 153 Wisp Priest
1037 hellabyrinth ruler 151 Lich Warmage Undead
1038 wall hack cheatah 32 Cat Gunner
1039 auto aim cheatah 121 Cat Gunner
1040 speed hack cheatah 171 Cat Predator
1041 another world cheatah 185 Cat Wizard
1042 <Telhureza> the house guard 92 Drake Predator
1043 <Imarituka> the zasiki warai 10 Ghost Pianist Undead
1044 <Oxode> the queen bee 40 Wasp Wizard
1045 <Scard> the happy swallow 10 Bird Thief
1046 <Yonorne> the rookie guide 1 Fairy Wizard
1047 magic bee 18 Wasp Warmage
1048 young swallow 2 Bird
1049 mag count 48 Rock
1050 e-mag duke 123 Rock
1051 crystalian 191 Rock
1052 eighty shaku 98 Giant
1053 gigantes 125 Giant
1054 surtr 165 Giant
1055 dark artificial giant 195 Giant
1056 <Talka> the long twintail 15 Cat Warmage
1057 crimson dark guardian 30 Servant Predator
1058 blue dark guardian 30 Servant Wizard
1059 green dark guardian 30 Servant Gunner
1060 hinocchio 68 Ent Thief
1061 kusosugi 175 Ent Gunner
1062 alraune 36 Mandrake Warmage
1063 hogweeder 55 Mandrake Archer
1064 king hogweeder 108 Mandrake Warrior
1065 helraune 183 Mandrake Wizard
1066 <Sist> the older sister 70 Roran Priest
1067 provocasquid 11 Seamonster Wizard
1068 dolphin soldier 27 Seamonster Gunner
1069 dosukebe sea anemone 43 Seamonster Priest
1070 mostmuscylla 73 Seamonster Warrior
1071 daganotosus 176 Seamonster Wizard
1072 SPChampion 194 Seamonster Predator
1073 etherian 27 Mutant Predator
1074 chaoshaprincess MEM 42 Mutant Priest
1075 chaoshaprincess FWBS 74 Mutant Farmer
1076 chaoshaprincess FSSSY 91 Mutant Priest
1077 chaoshaprincess CHRDH 115 Mutant Warrior
1078 etherian plus 130 Mutant Predator
1079 chaoshaprincess VARGM 144 Mutant Gunner
1080 chaoshaprincess DIBWL 169 Mutant Warmage
1081 chaoshaprincess ZEHLS 184 Mutant Wizard
1082 wanderer of Elea 22 Elea Priest
1083 avenger of Elea 34 Elea Wizard
1084 mob of Elea 55 Elea Predator
1085 instigator of Elea 66 Juere Archer
1086 pirate musketeer 85 Juere Gunner
1087 rough pirate 96 Juere Predator
1088 bouncteria 41 Bacteria Predator
1089 meshera unfinished 60 Bacteria Predator
1090 monster bacteria 74 Bacteria Warrior
1091 anabolic resistance 115 Bacteria Thief
1092 mega gordian worm 43 Worm Predator
1093 heal worm 72 Worm Priest
1094 death wordm 110 Worm Pianist
1095 vindalian deathworm 172 Worm Warrior
1096 worm holer 191 Worm Warmage
1097 landmine girl 65 Karune Wizard
1098 scatter landmine girl 75 Karune Gunner
1099 jump landmine girl 85 Karune Warrior
1100 anti-tank landmine girl 95 Karune Gunner
1101 bamboo spear spirit 70 Spirit Predator
1102 restoroid dodo 1 Bird Tourist
1103 restoroid garefowl 3 Bird Predator
1104 restoroid passenger pigeon 5 Bird Tourist
1105 restoroid toki 7 Bird Predator
1106 restoroid sea cow 10 Largeanimal Priest
1107 restoroid goat 13 Sheep Thief
1108 restoroid mega kangaroo 16 Largeanimal Predator
1109 restoroid giant panda 19 Bear Tourist
1110 restoroid dire wolf 23 Dog Predator
1111 restoroid saber tiger 27 Cat Claymore
1112 restoroid KAPPA 31 Imp Warmage