Elona Wiki

This item is in the Elona+ mod of Elona. It is obtained by completing the Maid and house Level 70 quest, then just picking it up when you enter the Maid Mansion. The statue is in the small house at the top of the map.

The Statue of Yacatect can be used once a day to produce an effect similar to the Wizard Harvest spell. You get 3 things upon use, either being a moderate amount of gold (5000-10000 + (favor with Yacatect / 10)), a small medal (1/80 chance), or a platinum coin (1/15 chance).

It weighs 15.0s.

Use of the item displays the text, A voice echos, "This is pocket money today. After wasting it must 1gp."


The statue is located at 731 (Row 23, Column 5) by the character sprite zero-based numbering system. It is a 48x96 pixel item, so any change must cover both of the item's squares.
