Elona Wiki
vopal bunny
Level 65 Rabbit Farmer
Str: 80(Hopeless) Con: 74(Hopeless) Dex: 72(Hopeless)
Per: 122(Hopeless) Lea: 105(Hopeless) Wil: 74(Hopeless)
Mag: 55(Hopeless) Cha: 109(Hopeless)
Life: 90 Mana: 80 Speed: 230
Skills Weapon Proficiencies

Healing: 80 (2%)
Shield: 43 (1%)
Heavy Armor: 45 (1%)
Medium Armor: 45 (1%)
Light Armor: 45 (1%)
Evasion: 75 (2%)
Tailoring: 48 (1%)
Stealth: 45 (1%)
Detection: 43 (1%)
Anatomy: 54 (1%)
Gardening: 48 (1%)
Cooking: 51 (1%)
Faith: 45 (1%)
Traveling: 43 (1%)
Riding: 43 (1%)
Meditation: 45 (1%)
Negotiation: 48 (1%)

Long Sword: 45 (1%)
Axe: 45 (1%)
Martial Arts: 69 (2%)
Scythe: 75 (2%)
Blunt: 45 (1%)
Polearm: 77 (2%)
Stave: 45 (1%)
Short Sword: 45 (1%)
Bow: 45 (1%)
Crossbow: 45 (1%)
Throwing: 45 (1%)
Firearm: 45 (1%)


Fire: No Resist (51% damage taken)
Cold: No Resist (51% damage taken)
Lightning: No Resist (51% damage taken)
Darkness: No Resist (51% damage taken)
Mind: No Resist (51% damage taken)
Poison: No Resist (51% damage taken)

Nether: No Resist (51% damage taken)
Sound: No Resist (51% damage taken)
Nerve: No Resist (51% damage taken)
Chaos: No Resist (51% damage taken)
Magic: Weak (128% damage taken)

AI Routine
Reaction to Player: Hostile
Preferred Distance: 1
Movement Chance: 30%
When Below 25% HP: No Action
Basic Secondary (10%)
Shadow Step Decapitation
Shadow Step
Shadow Step

Vopal [sic] bunny only appears in the Elona+ version of Elona. Please note that although the misspelling of their name was corrected in the Custom-GX mod (which you are most likely using), their name is still misspelled in Elona+ 2.21fix2, so the specified name continues to correspond to the in-game one.

It is a stronger, 3rd/4th tier version of a Rabbit, stronger than them, turtle rabbit and Rabbit (Aimwell).

Its basic attacks deal Cut (200 power) damage, which causes bleed. Be careful of being hit too much, since stacked Bleeding can drain life fast.

All their resistances are NPC level resistance bonuses and will be lost on recruitment.

They never have melee weapons due to their lack of hands, but they always spawn with a random thrown weapon (which they never use). They may also sometimes have other pieces of equipment, such as a helmet or body armor.



HP 836/846 (enemy/pet)
MP 664
Stam 153
INI 911/230


  • cardvo creates a card of vopal bunny.
  • figurevo creates a figurine of vopal bunny.


The sprite number for vopal rabbit is 853 (Row 26, Column 29).

Vopal bunny

In older patch of Elona+, vopal rabbit uses different sprite. The sprite number is 169, but tinted red.


  • May be a reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail, in which a seemingly innocuous bunny leaps onto various knight's necks, killing them.
  • Vopal is likely a misspelling of "Vorpal", first used in Lewis Carrol's "Jabberwocky", in which it describes the Vorpal Sword used to slay the Jabberwock. In many other games such as Dungeons & Dragons, Vorpal is used to describe an impossibly sharp magical weapon.
Card A rabbit with sharply developed front teeth. Its teeth are so sharp that a single blow can cut through the carotid artery of an Indian Elephant. It may look like just a cute rabbit, but if you try to take advantage of it, you will inevitably lose.